“영화 '미나리'는 △작품상 △감독상 △남우주연상(스티븐 연) △여우조연상(윤여정) △각본상 △음악상(에밀 모세리) 등 총 6개 부문에 지명됐다.”
“The movie'Minari' was nominated for a total of six categories, including the Best Work Award, the Director Award, the Best Actor Award (Steven Yeon), the Actress Supporting Actor Award (Yeon Yeo-jung), the Screenplay Award, and the Music Award (Emil Moses Lee).”
Oscar Nominations 2021 List: Nominees by Category - Oscars 2021 News | 93rd Academy Awards
The Oscar nominations 2021 are in as presenters announced the nominations for the 93rd Academy Awards this morning.
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