2020년 3월 18일 통계청에서 발표된 우리나라 2020년 혼인과 이혼에 관련된 통계이다.
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혼인건수는 21만 4천 건으로 전년대비 10.7% 감소 (-2만 6천 건)
○ 조(粗)혼인율(인구 1천명당 혼인건수)은 4.2건으로 전년대비 0.5건 감소함.
○ 전년대비 혼인건수가 가장 크게 감소한 연령은 남자는 30대 후반, 여자는 20대 후반으로 남자 14.2%(-7천 건), 여자 9.1%(-7천 건) 감소함.
○ 혼인종류별로는 남녀 모두 초혼인 부부가 전체혼인의 78.2%, 남녀 모두 재혼은 11.8%를 차지함.
○ 평균초혼연령은 남자 33.2세, 여자 30.8세로 남자는 0.1세 하락, 여자는 0.2세 상승함.
○ 연령별 혼인율(해당연령 인구1천명당 혼인건수)은 남자는 30대 초반에서 47.6건, 여자는 20대 후반에서 44.9건으로 가장 높게 나타남.
○ 외국인과의 혼인은 1만 5천 건으로 전년대비 35.1% (-8천 건) 감소함.
○ 시도별 조혼인율(시도인구 1천명당 혼인건수)은 세종(5.3건), 서울(4.7건), 제주(4.5건) 순으로 높음.
The number of marriages was 214,000, down 10.7% from the previous year (-26,000)
○ The trillion marriage rate (the number of marriages per 1,000 people) was 4.2, down 0.5 from the previous year.
○ Compared to the previous year, the age at which the number of marriages declined the most was males in their late 30s and females in their late 20s, with 14.2% (-7 thousand cases) for men and 9.1% (-7 thousand cases) for women.
○ By marriage type, first marriages for both men and women accounted for 78.2% of all marriages, and 11.8% for remarriage for both men and women.
○ The average age of first marriage was 33.2 for men and 30.8 for women, down 0.1 years for men and 0.2 years for women.
○ The marriage rate by age (the number of marriages per 1,000 people of that age) was the highest at 47.6 cases for men in their early 30s and 44.9 cases for women in their late 20s.
○ Marriage with foreigners was 15,000, down 35.1% (-8 thousand) from the previous year.
○ The rate of early marriages by city and province (the number of marriages per 1,000 people in the metropolitan area) was highest in the order of Sejong (5.3), Seoul (4.7), and Jeju (4.5).
이혼건수는 10만 7천 건으로 전년대비 3.9% 감소 (-4천 건)
○ 조(粗)이혼율(인구 1천명당 이혼건수)은 2.1건으로 전년대비 0.1건 감소함.
○ 유배우 이혼율(유배우 인구 1천명당 이혼건수)은 4.4건으로 전년보다 0.1건 감소함.
○ 평균이혼연령은 남자 49.4세, 여자 46.0세로 전년대비 남녀 모두 0.7세 상승함.
○ 연령별 이혼율(해당연령 인구 1천명당 이혼건수)은 남자는 40대 후반이 8.0건, 여자는 40대 초반이 8.6건으로 가장 높게 나타남.
○ 혼인지속기간 20년 이상 이혼이 전체 이혼의 37.2%로 가장 많고, 다음으로는 4년 이하 이혼이 19.8%를 차지함.
○ 외국인과의 이혼은 6천 건으로 전년대비 10.5% 감소 (-1천 건)
○ 시도별 조이혼율(시도인구 1천명당 이혼건수)은 제주(2.6건), 충남, 인천(2.4건)이 높고, 서울,세종(1.7건), 광주, 대구(1.8건)가 낮음.
The number of divorces was 107,000, down 3.9% from the previous year (4,000 cases)
○ The trillion divorce rate (the number of divorces per 1,000 people) was 2.1, down 0.1 cases from the previous year.
○ The rate of divorce for cast-off (the number of divorces per 1,000 people) was 4.4, down 0.1 from the previous year.
○ The average divorce age was 49.4 for men and 46.0 for women, up by 0.7 years from the previous year.
○ The divorce rate by age (the number of divorces per 1,000 people of that age) was highest for men in their late 40s with 8.0 cases and women in their early 40s with 8.6 cases.
○ Divorces of 20 years or longer accounted for the largest number of divorces (37.2%), followed by divorces for less than 4 years (19.8%)
○ Divorces with foreigners were 6,000 cases, down 10.5% from the previous year (-1 thousand cases)
○ The number of divorces per 1,000 people in cities and provinces was high in Jeju (2.6 cases), Chungnam and Incheon (2.4 cases), and low in Seoul, Sejong (1.7 cases), Gwangju and Daegu (1.8 cases).
■ 첨부 파일
■ 관련 링크
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